Brecon is a lovely town, but did it rain, but it was all worth while to meet my friends David Moore, writer on the arts in Wales & curator and Sue Hiley Harris artist and chair of the Welsh Group, at the Found Gallery in Brecon.
The Found Gallery, 1 Bulwark, Brecon, opposite the Town Museum, is hosting a group exhibition of The Welsh Group titled 2020. Works created to a specific size 20 cm by 20cm created during the lockdown by twenty nine members of the Group.
The Gallery is run by ‘Punch’ Maughan and is well worth a visit, with its excellent combination of paintings, sculpture and ceramics.
Sue was recording a short talk for the Gallery web site. But was also exhibiting some of her, expressive drawings on the pandemic theme ‘Spaced Apart 1 & 2 ‘ and delicate silver wire sculptures, of the roots of trees suspended in the air. ‘Growth 1, 11, 111 and 1V’.
The artists taking part were, Heather Eastes, Jennifer Allan, Thomasin Toohie, Jacqueline Alkema, Paul Brewer, Lorna Edmiston, Dilys Jackson, Angela Kingston, Chris Griffin, Karin Mear, Gerda Roper, Anthony Evans, Shirley Anne Owen, Philippine Sowerby, Jacqueline Jones, Lynnne Bebb, Sue Hiley Harris, Kay Keogh, Robert Harding, Wendy Earle, Ken Dukes, Robert Macdonald, Gus Payne, Roy Powell, Sue Roberts, Antonia Spowers, Paul Edwards, Jean Walcot, Veronica Gibson.
Bernard Mitchell 2020